
  • Fingerprint controlled USB memory for multiple users with multiple partitionings
  • Four types of memory capacity 16, 32, 64, 128GB
  • Create up to 10 partitions that can be used by multiple users
  • Administrator grants read / write or read-only access to each user
  • Access and management is controlled by fingerprint authentication for each user in the device
  • Data in the device is encrypted and stored.


  • Users who do not register in the partition cannot access at all.
  •  Read-only users cannot write data.
  •  Data stored on the device is automatically encrypted.
  •  Users with access rights can automatically decrypt and read the encrypted data after fingerprint authentication.
  •  Only administrators can change partitions, members, and access rights. However, the size of the partition cannot be changed.
  •  A factory reset will invalidate all data, partitions, and settings.
Use Case Example

users role
admin administrator
taro a user
hanako a user

groups members
Group A taro, admin
Group B taro, admin
Group C taro, hanako, admin

Partitions members
COMPANY  admin(read/write), 


TARO  taro(read/write), 


TARO-HANAKO  taro(read/write), 





Below is the authentication screen of the administrator (administrator) before setting ThinC-Manager. Since it has already been registered, various data are displayed. Note that the administrator is automatically the first user to register a fingerprint. If the authentication is not successful in this management screen, no device settings can be made.

User and Group

Below is the ThinC-Manager screen for setting users and groups. Each user has their own fingerprint registered. Fingerprint authentication tells who is operating. Two groups can be configured by selecting two or more people from three users. When deciding the members of a partition, you must use a group if you have more than one person.




Below is the partition creation screen. Set the partition size and members. In addition, determine the access rights (Read-Only or Read / Write) of the members. Here, three partitions are set for each purpose. The members and access rights for each partition in this use case are described individually.

How to use

There are 3 cases for thinC-VAULT to be used by Taro, Admin or Hanako. When ThinC-Vault is inserted to USB terminal, it requests fingerprint authentication to identify a user. FP authentication must be successful in order to use it. After that, avaukabke USB partitionings look different for each user, because only partitions involving the user will be displayed.


Taro uses it

Taro will see the members' partitions. Since Taro is a member of all partitions, three partitions are displayed. To start using any partition, initialization called partition formatting is required.

To use the partition "company", Taro's access right is "read-only", so she can only read files. You can read it and edit it, but you cannot rewrite the original partition. Since this is a company partition, taro can read company data written by Admin, but cannot rewrite it.

To use partitions "taro" and "taro-hanako", Taro's access right is "read / write", so she can read and write files freely. Partition "Taro" is Taro's personal file Therefore, it is a memory that can be rewritten only by Taro, and cannot be rewritten even if Admin is read for management.


Admin uses it

Admin is a member of all partitions, so three partitions are displayed. Formatting is required when using a partition.

In order to use the partition "company", the access right of Admin is "read / write", so you can read and write files freely. In order to use partitions "taro" and "taro-hanako", the access right of admin is "read / only", so you can only read files.

Admin uses the partition "company" on the management side to load company data on Taro. However, operations such as rewriting the partition "taro" or "taro-hanako" even though it is read for management purposes We are building a mechanism that can not do.

Hanako uses it

For hanako, only the partition "taro-hanako" is displayed. Formatting is required when using a partition.

To use the partition "taro-hanako", hanako's access right is "read / write", so the file can be read and written freely.

hanako is building a situation where only the group partition "taro-hanako" can be used.