FIDO2 Security Key ThinC-AUTH

ThinC-AUTH is FIDO2 Security Key, with which users can login to Cloud without passwords. Ensurity Technology has developed ThinC-AUTH to achieve Password-less world in cloud applications. Is is certified officially by FIDO alliance and Microsoft Corporation in 2019. Users can use any PC terminals to login to Cloud through browsers. Platform login for Windows is also supported for Windows 10 version 1903 or later. The specification of ThinC-AUTH is listed belows with detail explanation of technology.

ThinC Specification

Items Description Comment
Protocols FIDO 2.0 Browser/Widows Password-less Login
FIDO1.2 U2F 2 Step Verification
OATH HOTP/TOTP One time Password
Resident Key  (credential_ID, private key, Rp_ID) Portable with all credentials inside
Attestation Key certified Key manufactured by Ensurity
hmac-secret Login to Windows in On/Off-line   Off-line Windows Login
Multiple accounts One ThinC for each user One ThinC for multiple accounts
Client PIN Personal Identity Number for backup stored in ThinC
PKI Cryptography AES 256, DES/TDES, RSA, DSA, ECC, ECDH, RNG, SHA256/SHA512 secure cryptography algorithm
Secure Element cryptographic acceleration Secure similar to SIM card
Encrypted storage for biometric templates secure FP templates and matching
Dynamic on-chip encryption/token key generation Hardware Engine
FIPS 140-2 Level2 standards USA Cryptography Standardization
Fingerprint False Accept Rate   <0.001% 100K persons necessary to brake
False Reject Rate   <1% almost always success for authentication
Recognition Time <0.6s whole time for fingerprint authentication
Acquisition Time   <180ms Scanning Fingerprint by Sensor
Physical Quantity Size 5.6 x 2.1 x 0.8 cm / 2.20 x 0.83 x 0.31 in portable
Weight  9.07g / 0.02 lb light
FP setting software  Setup software provided by Ensurity built in Windows 10 ver 1903 or later

Electrical Characteristics

Items Description Comment
Working Voltage 5.0V External Power Supply from USB
Working Current Standby: 80 mA
Power Standby: 0.4W
Working Temperature -10°C to 45°C
Storage Temperature -20°C to 70°C
LED Lights 2 multi-color LEDs Red/Green/ glow, slow/fast blink for status
Casing Material Metal+ABS
Interface USB-A USB-C for Smart Phone

Sensor Characteristics

Items Description Comment
Image Pixel 160 x 160 pixels with 8-bit depth 25,600 grids x 8bit gray scale
Resolution 508 dpi 508 dots/inch in each axis (50um dot period)
Power Ultra Low Power
Type Capacitive 360° Touch Capacitive Type/ Rotation
Image Quality Superior 3D image 3D FP image
LED Lights 2 multi-color LEDs Red/Green, blick & glow
Durability More than 200k times hits tested by robot hit
Power 5 fingerprint templates one single person
ESD ±30 kV Electronic Static Discharge


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